Nowhere to go but up!
Okay, so you know absolutely nothing about hamsters. How do
you start? Well, let's start with the basics and look at the
simplest question:
What is a hamster?
Is it a reptile? An amphibian? An insect? A bird? A mammal?
A fish? How do you know? This is an important thing to know
if you want to make a home your new hamster will be proud to
live in.
First step: What is a hamster?
Have a good look at a hamster, and make some notes on what
they look like, and what their bodies are like.
You can use this checklist for your notes:
When you finish that, you can come back here for the. . . .
Second step: Hamster lifestyles
This step is a little more difficult than the last one. You
have to take what you learned in the first step and decide which
option is the best.
You can use this worksheet for your answers:
When you finish that, you can come back here for the. . . .
Third step: Hamster history
Now that you're a bit more familiar with hamsters, let's find
out a bit more about what they do, how they act, and where they
come from.
You can use this checklist for your notes:
When you finish that, you can come back here for the. . . .
Final step: Happy hamster home!
Here's where you get to use everything you've learned. You
know all about hamsters - where they live, what they eat, what
they like, and what they don't like. Now use all that knowledge
to build your new hamster a perfect home!
You can use this worksheet for your answers: