A. Hamsters have this many babies: q 1-20 q 50-70 q 100-400 q 500-1000
D. Baby hamsters are: q Naked and blind q Legless with fins q Caterpillars q Just like tiny adults |
B. Newborn hamsters are: q Born alive q Eggs in a nest q Eggs in water q Eggs buried in dirt
E. As baby hamsters grow they: q Sprout legs q Grow fur q Grow feathers q Turn into a cocoon |
C. Mother hamsters feed their babies with: q Milk q Bugs q Meat q Nothing |
q Are eating on their own (weaned) q Leave their cocoon q Leave the water to live on land q Learn to fly |
Here are the links from the first step to help you:
(You might find this site helpful, too: Hamsterific Pups!)
Using the space
provided, explain why you chose the answers you did.
Then give an example of another kind of animal that would do some of the things
that you didn’t choose for hamsters.